Pi’s DAF coagulation control system is an integrated controller that accepts multiple inputs from multiple sensors including inlet solids pH, and flow. From these measured parameters, the DAFSense outputs a flow proportional coagulation control signal that can go to a coagulant and flocculant dosing pump.
Each system needs to be designed and specified for each water treatment plant and that is a service offered by Pi.
Prior to changing existing controls, it may be beneficial to install and monitor how well an existing coagulation controller is working by installing a coagulation analyser, that can monitor and record the performance of the existing coagulant control system be it manual or automatic.
Many waste treatment plants still use manual control for coagulant dosing. While the influent water quality is steady this is an effective method to set a coagulant dose, however when the DAF inlet water quality changes then manual control of the coagulant dose breaks down, particularly when plants are unmanned overnight or over the weekend.
For many plants it is possible to automate coagulant control such that a combination of flow influent and effluent solids. streaming current monitor can effectively increase and decrease the dose of coagulant automatically in response to changing water quality.
The DAFSense coagulation controller can be used as a coagulation monitor (monitoring an existing system), a coagulation analyser (providing information prior to installing a coagulation control philosophy) or a full scale coagulation controller, either stand alone or via SCADA.
The DAFSense can be configured with various sensors, flow cells, communications options and consultancy services to provide the industrial waste water treatment plant professionals with everything they need to ensure optimal control.
Options include:
El DAFSense utiliza una variedad de sensores (incluido un caudalímetro existente) que se pueden agregar a un controlador central (CRIUS®4.0). El controlador toma esas señales, las manipula y produce una señal que controla la dosificación del coagulante. Estas señales son:
Caudal – se utiliza para aumentar o disminuir la dosis de coagulante proporcionalmente al caudal.
pH de entrada– tal vez el parámetro individual más importante que afecta la coagulación, Pi utiliza un sensor de pH de unión polimérica sólida, fiable y de respuesta extremadamente rápida para alarmar si el pH se mueve fuera de un rango predeterminado o, preferiblemente, para controlar el pH del agua de entrada en un lazo PID aparte.
TSS a la entrada – a medida que aumentan los sólidos suspendidos, la dosis de coagulante debe aumentar. La señal de los sólidos suspendidos de entrada se usa para aumentar o disminuir la dosis de coagulante proporcionalmente al caudal..
Typically, plants running on manual control will be overdosing. The DAFSense will allow you to control the dosing to the correct level. The more the plant is overdosing (typically about 30%) and the bigger the plant, the more money you will save.
Yes, DAFSense works with any coagulant.
The coagulant can be controlled by Pi’s DAFSense. DAFSense measures and controls all the variables required to achieve optimum coagulant dosage rates, including pH, inlet and outlet solids.
Automation of coagulant dosing levels on a Disolved Air Flotation unit is possible using an automatic coagulant controller with DAFSense which uses a variety of different sensors. Coagulation controllers that can be adapted to suit each site are the most useful.
Coagulant dosing can be controlled using feed forward control from an influent solids meter with a flow meter for feed forward control with a solids monitor on the outlet to provide a feedback control.
Typically the pumps are controlled using a PID driven 4-20mA output or Modbus link, or pulse control (either variable frequency or variable width).
This depends on the coagulant, the temperature, the chemical makeup of the water. In all cases the best results are obtained if the pH is controlled.
Contact Pi to start the process which is likely to include a site visit from an expert in coagulation control.
Other than the maintenance associated with the instruments used for measurement, the sample line, dosage pump used, there is no additional maintenance. All the sensors can come with self cleaning.
Many! The DAFSense is fully protected with the intelligence you would expect on a cutting edge controller, e.g. failsafe on process variable alarm, on pump failure, on the control algorithm going out of spec etc…
Yes. Each DAFSense coagulation controller comes internet ready with full remote access reporting and control from any browser, both desktop/laptop and mobile.
DAFSense uses digital comms e.g. Modbus to provide full remote control and data monitoring from a site DCS, SCADA and PLC.
That depends on what is required by each site. Generally coagulation can be optimised for somewhere between £15,000 and £80,000. Many plants achieve payback in under 12 months from the chemical saving.
Yes. DAFSense has been specifically designed to be used with highly variable industrial effluent water sources.
Focus Ons are a series of short articles distributed by email providing technical information regarding instrumentation, process measurement in potable, waste, process and pool waters. If you would like to join the mailing list, please contact us.
Pumps are almost ubiquitous in water processes; whether the pump is the main driver for water flow, is dosing chemicals, or is moving water around a sample line, there is (nearly) always a pump somewhere in the process. Often there are multiple pumps of varying sizes and specifications, making managing all of them a challenge for any operator.
Did you know that…
…today’s leading analysers incorporate the majority of control algorithms a water process should need?
…water quality controllers can often accept fault signals from pumps to help keep your water systems safe and efficient?
…Pi’s CRONOS® and CRIUS®4.0 analysers are the only analysers that can be linked using SMART and DIGITAL communications to a Grundfos DDA pump?
Analysers and controllers will often interact with pumps for a number of different reasons:
1n+1 is a standard term used when considering redundancy. The ‘n’ indicates the number of items required to run the systems so, in this case, the number of pumps. The ‘+1’ indicates the number of back-up systems in place.
Here is a summary of the different kinds of signals that can be used to interact with pumps, some of the common applications they are used in, and their advantages and disadvantages.
Description: Power On/Off provides power to pumps when the analyser needs the pump to be on, this can be 12-230V. Pumps are off and have no power when they are not pumping.
Advantages: Cheapest and most universal method of control.
Disadvantages: High pump and relay wear.
Commonly used for: Small dosing pumps, pools, small water systems.
Description: The pump is powered separately to the analyser, and only begins to pump when a low voltage control circuit is closed. VFC can be used with thresholds or with PID and can be used as on/off control or pulse width/frequency.
This means that the analyser can mimic a flow meter’s ‘Pulse Control’.
Advantages: Very commonly accepted by pumps and protects both the relay and the pump from high voltage surges.
Disadvantages: Not as precise as analogue control, especially for non-recirculating systems.
Commonly used for: Small to medium dosing pumps, pools.
Description: Either a 4-20mA or 0-10V is scaled to match the pump output, and then is used to control the pump rate.
Advantages: Very precise control, even on non-recirculating systems. The pump is on all the time eliminating power surges and start-up fatigue.
Disadvantages: Can only be used on pumps that accept analogue inputs.
Commonly used for: Medium to large systems, large pool systems, any system where precise dosing is a necessity.
Description: Some pumps can now be controlled using digital communications such as Modbus or Profibus. These are designed to be used directly from PLCs and they give operators distinct advantages over more traditional methods. A digital signal has longer range, has a signal cable for 2-way communication, and is able to transmit far more detailed information than a simple on/off alarm signal.
An example of a pump with SMART and DIGITAL communication is the Grundfos DDA dosing pump with e-box add-on. The e-box provides a Modbus or Profibus connection for 2-way communication.
The CRIUS®4.0 instrument controller from Pi is the only water quality analyser capable of utilising the full range of information available from the DDA pump. Information such as: total pump run time, pump pressures, volume pumped, and many more are now available to the analyser.
Error alerts can now be specific, telling operators exactly what needs to be done with their pump. This wealth of information can be useful in co-ordinating maintenance and increasing uptime for the pump and the system as a whole. All of this information can be stored, and data-logged, making the system very auditable.
Normally all of this information would only be available to operators with access to a PLC, and a PLC engineer able to integrate the two systems, but the CRIUS®4.0 from Pi is a customisable controller that doesn’t need a PLC engineer to configure.Control with the DDA e-box can also be extremely precise, with the pump more able to correct the pump output to very closely match the scale used by the analyser. A pump being controlled by a 4-20mA scale, asking for 60% of the pump’s output, was more than a litre off the real value of 60% of the pump’s scale. This means that on a 0-30l/h pump, a pump controlled by a 4-20mA signal calling for 60% of the pump’s output would actually be pumping 19l/h, whereas a Modbus controlled pump would be pumping 18l/h. This difference is small but measurable, and over a pump’s lifetime would add up to a remarkable discrepancy in chemical. It’s likely that with longer cable lengths, on a real site, this discrepancy would increase.
Advantages: The most precise control, excellent maintenance information, more uptime for processes.
Disadvantages: Currently only available with Grundfos DDA pumps and Pi analysers.
Commonly used for: Large to very large systems, or 24hr systems where savings on chemicals and reduced downtime are amplified. Food systems in particular benefit from increased uptime and excellent auditability.
There are many ways for analysers to interact with pumps, and no single way is a ‘one size fits all’ solution. Whether you are retrofitting to an existing system, or designing a new plant with the latest in SMART and DIGITAL communications, Pi’s instrument controllers have you covered.
Process Instruments supply CRIUS®4.0 and CRONOS® controllers with sensors for many single parameter systems like chlorine and pH but did you know that…
…Pi’s CRIUS®4.0 and CRONOS® controllers both allow the connection of multiple sensors?
…Pi’s multi-parameter systems can save you space onsite, are easy to use and have a number of communications options available?
…Pi’s CoagSense coagulation controller is a multi-parameter system that is now a key part of Pi’s product range?
An example of one of Pi’s most in demand multi-parameter analyser combines a CRIUS®4.0 with a TurbSense® turbidity meter, a pHSense pH meter, a ConductiSense conductivity meter and a UV254Sense UVA analyser with a temperature sensor on raw water systems. These have proven to be very popular in applications where companies and local authorities are looking to save on installation time, space and upfront costs.
The CRIUS®4.0 is equipped with the capability to connect up to four sensors of any type with appropriate analogue outputs and relays. If four isn’t enough, don’t worry. The CRIUS®4.0 can connect up to sixteen sensors by adding expansion boxes where needed, all using the same display and communications.
Equipped with data-logging as standard and multiple PID loops as options, the CRIUS®4.0 is a cost effective alternative to multiple single sensor analysers, reducing cost while maintaining the highest quality.
Optional communications packages allow Profibus, Modbus ASCII, Modbus RTU, Modbus TCP, 4-20mA analogue outputs, and relays for alarms and control.
Customers requiring a no-frills controller should consider the CRONOS® controller.
The CRONOS® has the capability to control up to two sensors of any type with appropriate analogue outputs and relays. Equipped with optional PID control, the CRONOS® is very able to control complex water treatment processes at a fraction of the cost of other controllers.
Finding space is becoming a real problem for installation engineers across many sites at the moment. As water supply companies are looking for more and more information and regulation increases, this has resulted in more and more instrumentation being installed. Most water treatment plants have limited wall space and finding room for new instruments is a real challenge. Both of Pi’s instrument controllers as multi-parameter analysers are solutions to this problem.
With simple ‘plug & play’ inputs and outputs, intuitive display and button control, and with an individual manual configured to be the same as your analyser, the CRIUS®4.0 and CRONOS® make setup and ongoing use, simple and easy.
Modbus and Profibus communications are available which further cut down on wiring costs and PLC, SCADA input costs.
Pi’s remote access allows the user to connect their CRIUS®4.0 through their local network (LAN) or a 3G/4G mobile network connection. This connection allows the user to have full control of their analyser from any computer, tablet or mobile phone.
The CoagSense coagulation controller combines a StreamerSense streaming current sensor, a UV254Sense UV analyser and a pHSense pH sensor to automatically control pH adjustment of the raw water and also the coagulant dosing in water treatment plants. A TurbSense® turbidity meter can also be added if required.
The controller has revolutionised the industry where one controller can now monitor and automatically control your dosing pumps by sending a flow proportional signal direct to the dosing pumps, or to the plant’s SCADA. Previously, all of this had to be done by a PLC or a SCADA system which involved getting a specialist programmer on site and increased costs. Now there is a controller that does all of this in an affordable manner.
Process Instruments (Pi) are increasingly seeing water engineers and technicians relying on their PLC’s PID auto-tune feature. Many are becoming frustrated that the auto-tuners are unreliable when it comes to water processes. Sometimes the auto-tuned PID settings work, but then something changes in the process and the PID control no longer functions correctly.
In this Focus On, Pi aims to outline how PID auto-tuners work and why they are often unsuitable for complex water treatment processes. We also give a brief introduction to some of the principles of tuning a PID manually.
Did you know that…
…auto-tuners are not effective at tuning processes with long loop times?
…the CRONOS® and CRIUS®4.0 have many built-in PID safety features to make control easier and safer?
…PID loops can often be tuned remotely, meaning huge savings on site visits and travel time?
A Proportional – Integral – Derivative (PID) controller is a control loop feedback mechanism widely used in industrial control systems. PID controllers allow a system to continuously and automatically modulate a control mechanism (e.g. a dosing pump, a valve, motor speed), to attempt to achieve a desired setpoint.
There are a myriad of ways that a PID controller can be ‘tuned’. In a very basic PID controller, the operator can choose how much of their control should be based on P, I and D. In reality, D is almost never required in water processes due to the nature of the control loop.
This is generally the task that ‘auto-tuners’ undertake. They make small changes to the ratio between P, I and D control, track the response, decide if the change is good or bad, and then change again.
So what the auto-tuner is doing is changing, measuring, and changing again; which can work perfectly on processes with a very short loop time (time between a change and a response from the system), the auto-tune making many changes in a short amount of time. The changes cumulate into a ‘tuned’ PID system.
On the right is an example system of a PID auto-tune.
In the diagram, we can see that for the system to work, the box in red is a crucial part of the process. If the change brought on by the PID auto-tuner isn’t visible quickly enough, it may affect the way the auto-tuner categorises the change (good or bad), or won’t give the auto-tune the opportunity to make enough iterative changes to bring a complex water system under control.
There is good news for water technicians and engineers and that is that Pi are here to help. All our salespeople are application specialists and are all capable of helping you manually tune a PID controller for your processes. Our CRONOS® and CRIUS®4.0 controllers are both capable of delivering excellent control in many processes, and have many built-in PID features to help make your process more controlled, robust and safe.
In many ways, the auto-tuners mimic plant engineers making adjustments and tuning their PID settings. They simply lack 2 key components;
With this in mind, here is how our engineers approach PID tuning on our instruments;
Once you have the basic P and I ratio sorted, or if you are unable to get the P and I into control, it is worth considering these additional settings which will help make your control scheme more robust and safer.
Even armed with all this knowledge, PID tuning can be a bit of a dark art. What works on one site may not work on another and even experienced engineers sometimes call us for help.
One of the ways we can help is using our remote access system Control InSite®. Our Remote Access portal (Control InSite®) allows people with the appropriate security clearance to make changes to settings and observe measurements from their desk.
Sales Manager, Dr. Rob Paramore, recently described his experience of changing a customer’s PID settings (at their request), whilst talking them through what he was doing on the phone:
“I was able to train a customer in the USA from my own desk in Burnley (UK). This site was hundreds of miles away from the customer, and thousands of miles away from me, but Control InSite® turned a week’s visit and four flights into a couple of phone calls over a few days”.
Did you know that…
…PID can save you money by offering better process control?
…PID can help you maintain a setpoint, even with a variable process?
…the days of over complex and confusing PID are over?
…Pi can tailor a PID system to your exact requirements? You may never have to touch those settings again!
In this Focus On, Pi would like to introduce you to PID if you haven’t come across it, and discuss some of the useful advanced features of modern PID systems, like on Pi’s CRONOS® and CRIUS® models for those more familiar with PID.
PID is a mathematical tool created by engineers and is used in controllers. It is a feature often found in industrial controllers and is available in Pi’s controllers, as an inexpensive upgrade.
The best way to explain what PID does, is to take an example. Most people have been to a swimming pool at some point in their lives, so this is the example we shall use. PID is also applicable in a huge variety of other processes. If you are not sure, you can always contact us to discuss your application.
When a person enters a swimming pool, they create a chlorine demand. They do this by introducing sweat, bacteria, organic molecules and other substances into the pool water. Chlorine reacts with these substances, which results in chlorine being used up and the chlorine level dropping. The chlorine level in this example, is often called the process variable or PV in the context of PID.
In order to maintain a concentration or level of chlorine, more chlorine needs to be dosed. If you dosed the same amount of chlorine per bather, the level would not be stable as all bathers create a different chlorine demand (e.g. swimming for fitness produces more sweat than swimming recreationally). Dosing manually brings in the issue of human error, and how operators approximate or calculate the amount of chlorine to dose based on current levels. Another issue with manual dosing is that it is not a continuous process, meaning it is unlikely a stable level will ever be reached.
PID takes the measured level of chlorine or the PV and compares it to the desired level or set-point. This comparison gives the error which PID interprets and then calculates an output. The output is an electrical signal which controls the dosing of the appropriate chemical. The output can control heaters, dosing pumps and many other mechanisms that can be used to change the PV.
PID is made up of three parts, proportional, integral and derivative. Understanding what each part does helps operators choose the level of control best suited to them.
Proportional – Is the most commonly used for portion PID and suits most applications. When using proportional control, the further away the measured value is from the setpoint, the larger the output will be from the controller. This is an appropriate level of control for most processes, and users can gain a lot of control from a purely proportional system.
In some systems where the PV is lost to the process, e.g. chlorine from a pool, heat from a boiler etc., the proportional control never quite catches up with the setpoint. Users can see that although the process approaches the setpoint it rarely, if ever, gets to it. This is known as ‘droop’. The user can compensate for droop if the removal of the PV is fairly constant, simply by raising the setpoint, e.g. evaporation of chlorine from an empty pool. If droop changes often, (e.g. bather load or chlorine demand) then to eradicate the ‘droop’ then the integral part of PID can be applied to the signal to correct it.Integral – The output from the integral term is determined by both the magnitude and the duration of the error. A small error over a long period of time will trigger a larger response than from a purely proportional system. This helps the elimination of the ‘droop’ seen in processes with continuous loss, and also serves to help reach the setpoint quicker.
Derivative – Derivative gain is rarely used and is generally set up only by expert engineers. Derivative gain uses the rate of change in the PV to try to predict future errors. This type of control is particularly susceptible to overcompensating, especially if there is even a small amount of signal noise (usually seen as spikes in the PV). Derivative gain is generally a tweak used by engineers to improve an already tight control, and is almost never used as an essential part of control.
When properly set up, PID can lead to far tighter process control, which in turn can save you time and money. As an example, pool managers want to keep chlorine levels low, to improve the bathing experience and also save on chemicals. AquaSense is a chlorine analyser system that responds quickly and appropriately to a change in bather load (also known as chlorine demand). This means pool operators can save money whilst maintaining the safety of the pool. PID can also help reduce the risk of overshooting the desired setpoint, reducing the risk of dangerous overdosing of the chemicals.
Whilst maintaining a setpoint with a PID loop is a huge advance over using threshold relays to maintain an upper and lower limit, it is sensible to control the loop with extra safeguards, such as:
These are all standard features in all Pi PID controllers.
In summary, PID is a very useful tool when used correctly, and can result in significant chemical savings, not to mention reduced pump wear and tear and lower electricity costs.
Document | Type | Size |
DAFSense | Brochure | 854KB |
PID Control | Technical Note | 710KB |
DAFSense Application Questionaire | Technical Note | 506KB |
"We at Scottish Water have been using the excellent Pi LabSense 3 and portable UV254 instruments in the field for optimizing our Water Treatment processes for some years now. We find them easy to use and invaluable for detecting and resolving issues in a timely, efficient and effective manner. Two great pieces of kit!”
"I want to thank you and all at Process Instruments for all the assistance, information and handholding during the year. The help that was so freely given was very much appreciated. Can you please extend my appreciation to all at Pi and let me wish you all a happy, safe and wonderful Christmas and I look forward to working with you again in 2021."
"Excellent level of support and always so much more prompt than a lot of our suppliers."
"The plant can’t produce good quality water without the CoagSense."
"We've used the CRIUS® with chlorine, pH and conductivity sensors for several years and confirm quality, performance and reliability has been wholly satisfactory to date."
"We in ECM ECO Monitoring can only recommend Process Instruments products and services to all other potential clients. They have very complex portfolio of products for water quality monitoring in various types of industries, friendly attitude, very quick delivery time and prompt reaction to all our needs and inquires. Our clients especially appreciate the particle counters and sizers allowing identification of drinking water treatment problems. The Streaming Current Monitors are a great tool for optimisation of expensive chemicals.”
"Simply the best turbidity available."
"In 2019, we purchased 29 particle counters which were installed in our water plants. So far, their performance has been perfect."
"We have installed hundreds of ozone analyzers from Pi over the years. They are just accurate, reliable and require low maintenance."
"Over the last few years we've purchased chlorine and turbidity analyzers from Chemtrac and with routine calibration the probes measure the chlorine and turbidity without any issue. We are very happy with this product and would highly recommend them."
"We've been using these analyzers since 2008. They're easy to use and very stable. Calibration and maintenance is quick and simple."
"The Pi products provide excellent value for money and represent the best municipal drinking water analyzers available."
“Servicing customers is much more than just solving problems or addressing complaints and Pi does that very competently with technical and quick efforts providing a good experience."
"Pi's technical team has enabled us to be one step ahead of our competitors by adding value to our projects thanks to their fast and excellent support from the moment you first reach out.
"Going from ORP control to amperometric chlorine sensor control has undoubtedly improved the pool water immensely!"
"The Streaming Current Monitor from Pi is the best SCM I have ever used. The analyser responds quickly and has many powerful functions, which helps me save a lot of money."
“Process Instruments has a broad range of high quality and user-friendly solutions for water-industry problems. The short lead times and great customer support make Pi a reliable partner.”
"Process Instruments UK always have a high level of customer service. All our interactions with Pi have exceeded our expectations. It is always a pleasure working with you.”
"The support from Pi and its partners is superb. They go above and beyond to ensure that, not only is their equipment perfect but that the process is working great too. Five Stars!"
"Process Instruments UK always have a high level of customer service. All our interactions with Pi have exceeded our expectations. It is always a pleasure working with you.”
Process Instruments (UK) Ltd. (Pi) is an international provider of water analysis solutions established in 1998.
Turf St, Burnley BB11 3BP